
As technology has evolved and communication expanded, we have become increasingly reliant on an interconnected hub of culture and language.  From streaming platforms like Netflix offering shows like Squid Game to foreign companies localizing content for their target audience and dignitaries speaking outside their home country, the modern hub needs people to bridge the gap. Enter translators and interpreters. Knowing multiple languages has always been a boon to business, but as the world continues to become more interconnected, translators and interpreters are finding new ways to leverage their linguistic skills. Whether translating articles, interpreting speeches letter by letter during a crisis, or teaching language to eager learners, the digital hub has opened up a plethora of opportunities for linguists. Learn more about the wide world of translation and interpreting.

Translators: Best Paid Lettersmiths

Interpreter, two Emirati businessmen, an American businessman and his assistant
Interpreter, two Emirati businessmen, an American businessman and his assistant

Translators and interpreters are individuals of letters, much like other wordsmiths. However, their income expectations are not in the high stratosphere. After all, one becomes a writer, poet, linguist or translator out of a love for letters, not with the desire of becoming wealthy. Among these language professionals, interpreters stand out, experiencing a more glamorous life than their counterparts.

Interpreters are often found behind presidents and heads of state worldwide, accompanying them on private jets and staying in luxury resorts while translating meetings and conferences. They may end up corresponding with Kings and Queens and exchange number of letters with them. That counts! If such a glamorous lifestyle appeals to you, and if you see value in being in the company of prestigious individuals and their surroundings, then a career as an interpreter may be exceptionally rewarding.

How Do Conference Interpreters Work?

In many cases, interpreters receive the written text or, at the very least, an outline of the speech beforehand. Armed with this document, they can easily input its content into lettercount.com, allowing for a quick character count. This count aids in extrapolating the duration of the translation in seconds or minutes and estimating the projected income. Conducting a preliminary letter count before and after translation also enables a precise assessment of the spoken translation's duration. This accuracy is crucial, as there is nothing more challenging for an interpreter than falling behind the speaker and ultimately losing track of the message.  [1]

Getting Paid For Translating Articles

Translator: precision to the letter
Translator: precision to the letter

In the realm of journalism and content production, translators are sometimes asked to translate pieces for publication in alternative languages. Payment modes for article translation can differ depending on the publication and the translator's contract, including variables such as the letter count of the translated text . [2]

Where to find translating article jobs? - Besides the obvious (online), translators often work for Translation Companies (before starting their own) and obtain translation assignments through networking.

Networking is done by attending specialist shows corresponding to your interests. Let's say you have an interest in automotive engineering; you would then make sure to visit the Salon de l'Automobile in Geneva, the IAA in Frankfurt, the Mondial de l'Automobile in Paris, the Japan Mobility Show (formerly Tokyo Motor Show), the Seoul Motor Show, the Thailand Motor Show, and the North American Shows: New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, or SEMA in Las Vegas. There, you'll make sure to talk to many exhibitors and visitors... and jobs will come to you as you showcase your talents and the quality of your letter count in translations!

Business Meetings: Do They Pay Well?

How interpreters are paid for meetings is dependent on the length of the meeting. For briefer meetings, translators may be compensated per hour, whereas for longer meetings, a daily rate could be more suitable. Of course, depending on the business, the possibilities are unlimited!

To start your research of business meetings translation, the best is to go in person door to door to businesses that inspire you the most, and where you can pretend to have a specialist knowledge or, at least, a special interest. Visiting trade shows is always a good idea - especially those trades where you know something about! You should also knock at the doors of local Chambers of Commerce or Business Associations; if they don't offer you jobs, they will certainly give you ideas. Finally, do not forget that hospitals, large or small, always need interpreters on call; and that almost all Government offices need translations at one point or another. 

Your success can often rely on the eloquence and precision of your communication. Every letter has a meaning, every letter spoken or translated contributes to the image you present of yourself.

Crisis And Emergency Response

How nice to be able to assist others in times when they really need it! Isn't that special gift of compassion a part of what makes us human and intrinsically good? - Interpreters and translators should ensure they are available in unusual crises circumstances, so they skills are put to good use fast.

To get listed for urgent jobs, make sure you are enlisted with your country's Civil Defense and Defense services. Civil Defence responds to many disasters, be it natural or man-made: large scale incidents, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, extensive fires, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions or pandemics.

Specialization Pays

Did you notice that your specialist doctor charges more per consultation than your regular family physician? - Specialization pays in most domains. If you have the knowledge of one particular type of vocabulary relevant to a specific domain, you will also get higher income per lettercount. 

Diplomatic And Political Interpretation

As a linguist, you will acquire your letters of credence in the diplomatic and political world after having shown your in-depth knowledge of the specific, implied or straightforward, meaning of every single expression, be it in a speech or a letter. Precision and vast knowledge of the geo-political and economic situation are crucial here, as wars may start based on simple misunderstandings!

Conference interpreter
Conference interpreter

Letters that you translate may be used in counter-intelligence, counter-measures or counter-insurgency situations; every letter counts!