
We all know a picture is a thousand words, but a select few characters delivered in the right way can affect us to our core. For example, a dinner bill for $10 looks a lot better than $100—and that was just one extra zero! From custom engravings, codes in computer programming, and household embroidery, to sale signs staked outside our stores or a tattoo we keep forever—characters count, and sometimes they cost. In various industries like publishing, engraving, tattooing, and signage, the more characters used means more money out of your pocket—and, in the case of tattooing, likely a bit more pain. When every letter chosen impacts price, how do we keep a clear message and stay on budget? Read on to find out!

When Every Character Costs!

A classified using abbreviations in order to lower the publication price with a smaller letter count
A classified using abbreviations in order to lower the publication price with a smaller letter count

How does character count impact the pricing of various services like engraving, embroidery, programming, laser cutting, and more? Why every character counts in these industries and how using a character counter tool like lettercount.com can help assess costs effectively?

In the world of classifieds, every character counts. From the days of printed press to the digital age, character count has played a crucial role in the effectiveness of classified ads. [1] The character count impacts on your bottom line in various industries where precision and character count matter, such as engraving services, custom embroidery, computer programming, laser cutting, personalized license plates, tattoo pricing, customized rubber stamps, metal stamping, signage and banner creation, and handwritten calligraphy.

How characters count in classifieds published in the printed press

When classified ads are published in the printed press [2], every letter has often a cost associated with it. In some countries or publications, the custom became to ban abbreviations; in others, abbreviations became the norm. Advertisers had to carefully craft their message within the constraints of a limited letter count. Each additional character meant an increase in the price of the ad. This forced advertisers to be concise and strategic with their wording, ensuring every character conveyed valuable information.

Some abbreviations appeared long before the times of mobile phones and SMS messages: k9 for "canine", BR for "bedroom", LR for "living room" and so on. The character count became a crucial factor in determining the cost of the advertisement.

The role of precision in engraving services

Engraving services [3], with their aim to be eternal, call for accuracy and focus. Each letter engraved on a bench, plaque or award carries a message. Whether it be a name, date, or message, every character is essential in the overall design. Engravers consider the size and complexity of the text, in addition to the character count, when calculating the cost of their services. Check the character count on lettercount.com

Computer programming code: Why each character matters

In computer programming, every single character is significant. On the other hand, it is usually considered that a program written with fewer characters, but performing the same job, is of better quality. Consider character count when budgeting and searching for quality programming projects.

Personalized license plates: Using a character counter to assess the cost

With "vanity plates", the more characters you choose, the higher the price. Some jurisdictions even charge extra for certain letters or numbers. [5]  By utilizing a character counter tool, like the one provided by lettercount.com, you can assess the cost of your desired personalized license plate before committing to it.

In some cases there is no need to count. If you are planning to buy a license plate with a single character, one glimpse will suffice to guess that it must be… very expensive! Like the number plate of the character “8” in Hong Kong, sold at $1 million. It set a world record in 1994!

A short, efficient message
A short, efficient message

Tattoo pricing: More than just its size and complexity

When it comes to tattoos, pricing is not solely based on size and complexity. But also the character count. When each character is tattooed, it sums with the charge of per hour/session as well as the time it took to tattoo each character. So even if it is a single term, the more characters are involved, the more time the process will take, therefore, more cash for the artist. And if it is a lengthy quote, the cost would fly off the ground. So, it's of utmost importance to have a discussion with your tattoo artist about the character count and the respective pricing before you finalise your design.

Besides, if you are sensitive to pain then you should already be aware that tattooing is a painful process; so the smaller number of characters, the better. It's always smart to tattoo only the initials of your loved ones instead of the whole name just to show your commitment. And if you really want their name tattooed, at least plan to date someone named Ann instead of Constantine. It’ll save you both pain and price.

Customised rubber stamps: How each character count  affects the price of production

Customised rubber stamps are a convenient way for businesses and individuals to solidify their documents or art. But when you understand how the carving and molding of each character takes time and effort to be precisely done, you can easily figure out that each letter count affects the production process and therefore its pricing. Essentially, the manufacturers of the rubber stamp always consider the character count when they are determining how much their product costs. Thus, whenever you want a rubber stamp that is more than just individual letters – a long message or multiple lines – be ready for an increased price due to its basis on higher character count.

Metal stamping for industrial parts and how precision plays an important role

Manufacturing of industrial parts utilises the method of metal stamping. The characters that the metal components are inscribed on, are of critical value as they provide key data such as part numbers, codes and other specifications that identify the industrial part to be easily inventoried.

Role of character counts in pricing of signage and banner creation

Now it is a smart consideration to count the number of characters you want when creating signage or banners. That is because including the amount of time and effort is takes for each project, the number of characters is also defined in them; subsequently, the cost will be greater. So, what you can do is become aware of the message you want read from driving vehicles and construct a text that is either short and concise or if necessary long and understandable. The latter will produce a higher cost compared to the former, but if needed for the signage and banner project, then you can go for it. Be sure to calculate the letters to ensure you know what you are dipping your hand in. And if you do end up using short and concise text, you should always consider the abbreviations that are and aren’t allowed.

Calligraphy and its art: Beyond colours and kerns

For the aesthetically pleasing art, each artist may consider the character when offering their service, therefore, pricing. How much effort the curve, the font, the effects of each letter take will definitely add up to their time and use of colours. So whenever you are searching for calligraphy services for projects such as creating invitation cards, certificates, or presents, it is better to keep in mind how the characters will add up to the service fee.

Price still determined by character counts compared to past

Character count plays a very important role in multiple sectors of products and services. Therefore, if you use a character counter tool like lettercount.com, you can easily and accurately figure out how each character will affect your bottom line. So, with precision and conciseness, character count is a key player in the game. It would do you good to never forget that!